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  • Writer's pictureFran Clark

Your Next Best Historical Fiction Novel

Book Cover The Attic Child by Lola Jaye

The Attic Child by Lola Jaye

I was very fortunate to have won this novel as part of a 2 book giveaway by The Jhalak Prize and sent via Newham Bookshop

My Review

My first impression of this book was how stunning the book cover was. So bright and eye-catching in colours that suggest that the book would be full of warmth, brightness as well as hints of coolness and probably a bit of healing because of the splashes of purple in it. I was right.

There are two stories running through this book. One of Lowra, which takes place in the 1970s and the 1990s. During these periods of time we see her as an adolescent and then as an adult. Hers was a shocking story that both moved me and had me feeling quite positive because of the transition Lowra goes through.

The second story, and probably the main one in my opinion, is that of the young Dikembe who is brought to England from what was formerly known as The Congo in 1903, to the household of explorer Sir Babbington. Having lost touch with everything and everyone he knew, Dikembe's life is completely transformed and the realisation that he may never see his family again was so well depicted by the author, the book had me spellbound.

This is a novel that will both educate, stimulate and have you gripped from beginning to end.

The writing tone is light so it is easy to become absorbed into the worlds of Lowra and Dikembe and you won't want to let them go. With well drawn and convincing characters, be they main or supporting, I found I was hanging on every word and totally engrossed by the authors use of dialogue.

What makes a for a good book for me is the author's descriptive language. I found myself swept back into the past, to a country I've never visited and felt as if I was actually there as the dramatic scenes unfolded.

There was plenty of drama and a few twists along the way which is always an added bonus.

I highly recommend this book for all lovers of historical fiction and for anyone who loves a well told, heartfelt story of family, love, self growth and conquering your inner and outer demons.

The Attic Child by Lola Jay, herbal tea and a cookies and cream bagel

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